Sunday, June 15, 2014

James Patterson filming Selma June 14, 2014

In character as "press type" scenes 45, 46, 47, at a news conference by Gov. George C. Wallace (Tim Roth) on the Montgomery (Alabama ) Capitol steps in late February 1965. The front of the Georgia Academy of Medicine was standin for Montgomery Capitol. Erie to see the Confederate Battle Flag hoisted behind "Wallace."
Originally, I was to be an Alabama National Guard CO addressing a young Guardsman as James G. Patterson, my late father who served at Selma at age 31 50 years ago. That fell through. I was offered a part as a Southern Senator and I declined as they were all racists. I was then offer a role as a "liberal Northern Senator" and I accepted. When I arrived at Atlanta Hartsfield Airport I learned my part was as a "press type." and I would stand a few feet away from Wallace (Roth) as he delivered a speech against the Selma to Montgomery march.
When a huge 1965 vintage camera was thrust at me, I declined it and took a reporter's table to be a print journalist. I did not want the huge handheld camera to hide my photogenic face. I did not wear a hat during filming. The assembled crowd behind the journalists mostly men wore the vintage hats. They were directed to applaud and nod their heads affirmatively in response to Wallace's hate speech. "Press types" with cameras and tablets were unable to applaud and nod which was fine with me.
My final email instructions stated if I brought iPhone or any recording device to wardrobe or to the closed set, I would be immediately fired even though I had a signed contract. I left my iPhone at my GSU temporary office. When I arrived at wardrobe, others were tweeting, imaging and posting furiously. Likewise at the afterparty. I got no image of Roth or the great Tom Wilkinson as LBJ. We are planning to do more scenes and publicity. The pay was fabulous! Thank you Oprah Winfrey and the Alabama Film Commission.
This role was a "silent" part. I carried an article on The Birth of a Nation by Lillian dated 1937 and a 1982 note from her in my coat pocket. Her signed image was on my flash drive, also in my pocket.

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