Sunday, July 17, 2016

Lillian Gish Foreword in Sounds for Silents (1970)

(Special photo courtesy Library of Congress) 

Sounds for Silents by Charles Hoffman with Foreword by Lillian Gish. The book was published in 1970 and includes a recording of "Musical backgrounds." Hoffman, of the Museum of Modern Art, wrote musical accompaniment for several silent films including The Birth of a  Nation. His "musical background" for that film, more accurately a portion of it, is included on the recording.

I am posting Miss Gish's 1-page foreword in an accompanying blog post. She wrote the foreword as her book, "The Movies, Mr. Griffith and Me" was still very popular. At this time she was also touring with her "The Movies with Lillian Gish" lectures. Miss Gish, an excellent writer, made many contributions to books on cinema.

In the main, Hoffman's brief book is his account of developing music for silent films screened largely at the Museum of Modern Art. Miss Gish often attended these screenings and Hoffman states in his book that his "musical background" for one of her silent films, "Broken Blossoms," has Miss Gish's personal approval.

About Lillian's attendance of film showings at MoMA, staff told me she frequently arrived and departed on her own. She took a cab from her Sutton Place residence to MoMA's theater which was at a different location. I recall this whenever I see a "restored" version of one of her films at the new MoMA theater.

As I write this I am planning a trip to Cliff Island, Maine, for a family remembrance of "The Whales of August" Lillian's last film. I'll be posting photos, something I could not do 30 years ago.

Special Note: Mrs. Diana Serra Cary, known as Baby Peggy in the 1920s and the sole remaining silent film star, is signing books, photos and other memorabilia for fans as her time permits. Her 1924 "Captain January" was remade in 1936 with Shirley Temple.

In spring 2016 the US Postal Service issued a Shirley Temple Forever Stamp and Mrs. Cary is signing sheets of Temple stamps for fans and collectors. Mrs. Cary's address is 738 5th Avenue, Gustine CA 95344. Fans have had stamps printed (ShutterFly) with Baby Peggy's image for Mrs. Cary's autograph. Mrs. Cary's office charges signing fees, postage and handling for all orders.

Jim Patterson


  1. Hi, James, have you gone to Cliff Island again since you wrote the post?

  2. I've had invitations. To date, I've not been able to schedule it. After national lockdown, I get my COVID-19 vaccine and travel is safe, I'm off to Cliff Island. I hope the Pittkin House is still at the Point. Yourself? Cheers, James Patterson
